Kia Ora.
Don’t know if you are but I am looking forward to our Members Meeting in a couple of weeks. Yes, we will do ‘business’ but will spend most of our time talking, discussing and discerning what God is saying and doing and asking of us as we zoom towards 2020!
One of the things we thought we were going to do at the MM was discussing and eventually voting on new elders. This will not be happening as there were no nominations. I know there were people who were asked to consider stepping into this role but they have all declined for differing reasons. But – what do we make of this. Well, we are a people who believe that God is in charge of His church and that He speaks to and through His people. So with no nominations can we presume that God and therefore the Members of HBC are happy, content and in agreement that the Eldership that we presently have are the right elders leading and serving us into the New Year? I think so. This doesn’t mean that we don’t re-visit this important role – it just means that at the moment it remains what it is.
There are other big discussion topics that will be presented at the MM so please make all effort to be there. Non-members are welcome and invited to participate in discussion but if something needs a concrete decision to be made then that’s the Members responsibility. I will be presenting a Draft Annual Plan 2020 for discussion and comment so that everyone can have their say before the AGM early next year.