Blurb – 22nd August, 2020

Sanibonani nonke ekuseni.

As I write this, we are slowly creeping towards our second church service at Alert Level 2. I hope you are finding the restrictions as annoying as I do, but we will survive! I want to make something very clear. I have heard some rumours that some feel discriminated against because of their age and that older folk feel they are being used as a scapegoat to keep our numbers under the required 100. Nothing could be further from the truth. The more senior in our church were strongly advised not to attend the 10:00 am service because this is the recommendation from the government – that they take extra precaution due to their higher risk of contracting COVID 19 and the more severe repercussions if they do. The more senior were not asked to stay away so that more younger people could attend. It was about keeping the people we love and honour safe! We had 50 at church last week. I was pleased – we were under 100, and people had the freedom to decide what was best for them and their families. It was strange speaking to so few, but it was encouraging seeing those that chose to stay connected and be part of what was happening through the live streaming on Facebook. This week will be the same – the “Techies” will try their best at live streaming – we will be a smaller gathering in the building – BUT we will all look forward to being together again when the restrictions are lifted. This week will be the last on communication within relationships – how do we confront appropriately?

Izibusiso kini nonke,

Kev the Rev