Have you ever wondered what Pastor’s talk about when they get together? Yes there are the regular day to day things that we always talk about and then there are the occasional discussion topics like the mistakes we have made at weddings and funerals (yikes). And then there is the stuff that we talk about that we just find unpleasant or that we dread. Amongst Baptist circles there is a familiar lament heard about Member’s Meetings! The dread of the Members Meeting – sadly, historically, the Members Meeting has developed into a time and place when people have jostled for power, tried to dominate with their particular ‘insights’ and it’s not been uncommon for there to be arguments and disagreements! BUT and that’s a big but… that is not my reality now.
For the last few Members Meetings it’s been a very rewarding and encouraging time that we have spent together. We are learning to focus on ‘we have the capacity to hear and discern the mind of Christ in our midst’ and it is creating unity and togetherness. Sunday’s evening together was just that – a time of unity as we came together to discuss our values and priorities for next year. At the end of the evening we had agreed on where God is leading us – what we need to focus on – what He is inviting us into – and it doesn’t stop there, as we will need to be courageous and change! I want to warmly thank those who came, for your involvement in prayer and discussion. You are a blessing as we seek to outwork our faithfulness to Jesus as a family.
Blessings, Kevin