Blurb 7th June


Hope you’ve all had a great week. I had an interesting one, especially on Wednesday evening. I did something that I hadn’t done since way before I was married – so that’s a long time ago. It’s like the old saying about riding a bike, you never forget how; you just need to give it a crack. So I did. I questioned myself if I could after all these years, if i still had the guts to, but hey I did it. And when it was done it felt good, real good.

We have got a few things that are coming our way that I need to let you know about.

Today we kick Cap off in grand style by having Paul Eardley with us. Paul works with Cap in the head office and will be sharing today as we commission Mark J as our Cap Centre Manager. This is a big step for us as a church as we move towards helping in our community. Mark already has 3 or 4 people waiting for help so it’s going to be all go right from the start.

Secondly, Cheryll and I won’t be here next Sunday, in fact we will be away between 13th and 20th June. We will be away with friends as we celebrate her birthday. If there are any pastoral concerns during this week, please contact Anne at the office and she will help direct you in the right direction.

Finally, the service on the 21st will be the last in the series about ‘Encounter’ and I have asked three people to share their stories with us. Following this we will be journeying further to see how as we build our relationship with God, He then equips us to serve within His mission. On the evening of July 5th I will be running workshops on spiritual gifts and spiritual fruit. This will be a time of teaching, ministry, questions and prayer, so if you’re interested pencil in the dates.

Cheers, Kevin